God’s original Holy Land

Yes.  It was harder than I thought it would be. Immediately after worship service on Sunday, March 19th I hurried into my office and changed clothes. My wife drove me to Lake Fort Smith State Park. I was on my way. I’ve hiked the Buffalo River Trail, done some...

God was the one who invented real-life church…

God was smart enough to invent a place for the risen Jesus to be revealed…that is also a great place to have meaningful relationships. There is a picture somewhere that shows the look on my face. I had just unwrapped an Atari Super Pong IV. Wired controllers....

A Subversive Christmas

Sometimes scripture passages become too familiar… Candy canes. Angelic music. Will Ferrell in yellow tights. Christmas is a magical time. Many of us celebrate this season with glittery wonder. But did you know that Christmas is…subversive? Unnoticed to our...