Lee Street Community Center
Elaine, AR

This began a relationship between Rolling Hills and the Divine Deliverance Church in Elaine. Now we are “sister” congregations and frequently gather for worship together and other events. In addition, Rolling Hills takes trips to Elaine to help with projects such as Vacation Bible school, bicycle giveaways, and renovation projects.
The most recent project in Elaine is the Birdhouse Retreat Center and the Racial Harmony Park. These are located in downtown Elaine and provide a place to stay, a peaceful site to highlight racial progress in Elaine and a home base to the effort to make Elaine the “Birdhouse Capital of America.”

Latest Updates
Bro. Andrew came to visit us.
We're so delighted to have Brother Andrew and Catherine joining us the service.
Elaine Trip
It was nice to meet Brother Andrew (and making silly faces for the picture) and see Elaine. The girls enjoyed painting bird houses and making baskets for families in...
Elaine students filling stockings!
Elaine students filled stockings. About 40 came to Fayetteville for Marshallese children on Christmas Eve.
2021 Christmas Offering: Our Ministry in Elaine, AR
Each year we invite our church to make a special Christmas offering to one of our various ministries. This year we are supporting our church's ministry to the families...
Lee Street Community Center featured on KNWA
Click this link to hear about our church, the Lee Street Community Center in Elaine, Arkansas and Pat Kienzle talking about a day to support state charitable...
Fun time at Elaine!
We had good time making Tie Dye shirts with the kids. Can't wait to see how they turn out!