
Parents Left Behind continues to provide support and empathy. Sometimes I make a list. It’s an odd list. Perhaps you’ve made it too. I make a list of how fortunate I am: I enjoy the freedoms of America. I have access to great healthcare. I live in a beautiful and...

Still reachable.

Death has no graduates.  That is why faith is required.  And friends. My friends are white, 50-something year-old males who like cars, college sports and YouTube videos of people sticking firecrackers up their noses (do not try this at home). Like you and your...

The Jig was Up

For years we would drive past that spot only to discover that our handiwork was still evident. Did anyone else wonder why the blue spruce near the National Forest sign had the top six feet cut off of it? One Christmas when I was a child, I came home from school and...
Jesus Wept

Jesus Wept

Each drop weighs more than a full bucket. To release them brings lightness. But they return. And the process continues until the day when you notice they aren’t as heavy as they used to be. Yesterday I spent half an hour sitting in my truck. I was in the parking lot...