
Sunday Morning Classes

Seekers Sunday School 

If you enjoy making new friends, spirited discussion and learning how to make your faith come to life you will love our Seekers Sunday School class.  No “dumb” questions and plenty of opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas.  The class typically reviews a book of the Bible or a topical Biblical subject, such as parables or epistles — but the goal is always relevance and a fresh perspective on these ancient documents.

Since March 2020 the Seekers class has met via Zoom on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am (and you can log in at 9:45 am to chat before the class). If you would like to sign on, please contact us, we’d love for you to join in.

You can also join the class live at the church on Sunday mornings. We have the Seekers Class on the big screen in the classroom.

Hope Class

The Hope class is one of Rolling Hill’s most wonderful institutions:  a ladies class that has met for decades and is one of the best places for hearty laughter and deep wisdom.  This class has met around in our church library for almost forty years and if you want true spiritual depth this is the place for you.  The Hope class follows a Sunday School quarterly and is facilitated by a teacher but thrives on great conversation.


As of March 2020, this class has been suspended, but check back to find out when the Hope Class is meeting in person again.

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